What are you Thankful for?

November is a wonderful month.  Every year it arrives bringing with it cooler weather, fall colors, and an approaching holiday that almost everyone loves – Thanksgiving.  The origins of Thanksgiving trace back to 1621 at Plymouth, MA, prompted by a good harvest, where the Pilgrims gave formal thanks in the form of a feast among gathering families. We all can agree that the previous few weeks have been accentuating some of the most negative attributes of our society.  This election cycle has been especially brutal.  We can’t escape the misery, feeding us steady streams of ugliness through our TVs, Twitter feeds, Facebook News, etc. – we couldn’t escape it.

If you don’t mind, we at RFS would like to be the first to prompt our readers to change the narrative.  So, here’s a list of the things that we are collectively thankful for at RFS:

  • Our Fantastic Customers
  • The support of our Incredible Families – who never (ok, rarely) complain when we travel, work at night, and put in countless overtime hours to get the job done
  • Our Country, the good-ole US of A, that allows for free markets, unlimited business opportunities, and tremendous infrastructure (highways, air travel, etc.) that allow us to reach our customer sites in a timely fashion
  • Great Associates & Affiliates – committed to helping our customers win
  • The Law of the Land, and specifically those who enforce the law – our Police, First Responders, and Military – that provide a blanket of protection that allows our team members to work at night, and do so under a blanket of safety unmatched in this world
  • A great group of Suppliers – providing material and equipment needed to get the job done
  • Awesome Service Partners – Marketing, Insurance, IT, Banking, and many more
  • Dependable Technology Infrastructure that allows our remote associates to stay connected, and for steady flow of information and project status to our clients
  • Growing Business Trends for commercial restoration and renovation

So, in addition to Remodeling the Renovation Experience, today, RFS would love to hear your comments about what else you are thankful for.  Have at it in the comments section of the blog.  Thanks for playing along.  And, Happy Thanksgiving!


Heart of House

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